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Wizards Tales of Arcadia


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11SpellboundSihir MahkûmuDouglas Shorts,Francisco Ruiz-Velasco,Andrew L. SchmidtGuillermo del Toro,Marc Guggenheim,Chad Quandt
22History in the MakingTarih YazılıyorDouglas Shorts,Johane MatteGuillermo del Toro,Guillermo del Toro,Marc Guggenheim
33Witch HuntCadı AvıDouglas Shorts,Andrew L. SchmidtGuillermo del Toro,Andie Bolt,Ian Rickett
44Lady of the LakeGöldeki KadınDouglas Shorts,Francisco Ruiz-VelascoGuillermo del Toro,Andie Bolt,Ian Rickett
55Battle RoyalBüyük KavgaDouglas Shorts,Johane MatteGuillermo del Toro,Andie Bolt,Ian Rickett
66Killahead, Part OneÖlüm Köprüsü, 1. BölümDouglas Shorts,Francisco Ruiz-VelascoGuillermo del Toro,Andie Bolt,Ian Rickett
77Killahead, Part TwoÖlüm Köprüsü, 2. BölümDouglas Shorts,Francisco Ruiz-VelascoGuillermo del Toro,Chad Quandt,Aaron Waltke
88Wizard UndergroundYer Altı BüyücüsüDouglas Shorts,Johane MatteGuillermo del Toro,Andie Bolt,Ian Rickett
99Dragon's DenEjderha İniDouglas Shorts,Andrew L. SchmidtGuillermo del Toro,Chad Quandt,Aaron Waltke
1010Our Final ActSon PerdeDouglas Shorts,Andrew L. SchmidtGuillermo del Toro,Chad Quandt,Aaron Waltke